Saturday, January 9, 2010

Apple Cider... Sugar or No Sugar?

So there I was... eating... i mean drinking down some warm, delicious, apple cider when i realized that i don't even know if it was made with sugar... AND i was almost completely done with it! Thanks statefarm for the wonderful drink but i think i just canned my 365 w/o sugar. bummer!

oh for a second opinion i asked my wife and she said I should drink things when other people give them to me because it would be offensive to not drink them...

what do you think?

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Day 2 - Honey in My Coffee

So last night I told "other people" about my no sugar kick... now i have to stick to it!

and today once again i put sugar in my coffee... tonight we are going shopping... i am guessing based on my wifes experience that the biggest challenge of the week will be looking for items without the ingredients "high fructose corn syrup"... although it could be passing up the usual shopping donut. Everyone needs a treat when your at the super market for an HOUR!

biggest challenge - (I'll tell you tomorrow!)

current weight: __195? (this could hopefully be less)___
current height: __5'11 (this shouldn't change)___
how healthy i feel (1-10): ___2 (feel like i am walking around in slow mo)__


Monday, January 4, 2010

Day 1- Honey in my coffee

So today marks day on in a year long quest to avoid sugar like the plague. Unfortunately, I broke down and "accidentally" ate the final 2 christmas cookies from my mom. However, I did manage to not put sugar in my coffee - instead I opted for honey... and that it making me rethink this whole no sugar bit.

my housemates think stevia is a good sugar replacement. I tried it and to my surprise it is decent. Although I am pretty sure that I need to eliminate sugar (not opt for replacements)....

so day 1's biggest challenge - having honey in my coffee... whats next? making chocolate cake without the sugar?